Tuesday 16 January 2024

Bible Book:

As the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various kinds of diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on each of them and cured them. (v. 40)

Luke 4:31-44 Tuesday 16 January 2024

Psalm 57:1-3, 7-11


In today’s reading Jesus continues with his ministry of teaching and begins to perform deeds of power. Jesus spoke ‘with authority’ and he drove out unclean spirits ‘with power and authority’ (4:32, 36). Through Jesus’ powerful word, demons (evil or unclean spirits) were cast out and those who were sick were healed. The whole section illustrates the fulfilment of the ministry Jesus outlined in Luke 4:18-19, which we considered briefly yesterday.

 Luke depicts the public impact of Jesus’ teaching and it is interesting to consider the different responses people had to Jesus. People were ‘astounded’ at his teaching and ‘amazed’ at the works he performed (4.32, 36). However, the impression Jesus made did not automatically lead to faith.

Those who did recognise Jesus were the demons. They realised that Jesus had come to overthrow evil and destroy them; they called him the ‘Holy One of God’ and ‘the Son of God!’ (4:34, 41). Why did Jesus rebuke them and silence them, when they recognised him as the Messiah (one sent to save his people)? A right knowledge of Jesus as Messiah can only be reached by a knowledge of his suffering death for us (Luke 24:21, 25-27) and by following him in the way of the cross (Luke 9:20-23). Early in Jesus’ ministry, what it meant for Jesus to be Messiah had not yet been fully explored.

In today’s story, we see how word about Jesus spread and many people were brought to Jesus to be healed. I notice how personal this ministry was; Jesus laid his hands on every person who was brought to him – everyone received his individual attention. No one was just ‘one of the crowd’. At the end of the passage, people wanted to keep Jesus to themselves and they did not want him to leave. But Jesus would not be owned by one group of people; his message was to be shared and he continued to share the message throughout Judea.


To Ponder:

  • Although few people understood who Jesus was at this stage in his ministry, he still touched their lives and healed many. Have you encountered Jesus before coming to faith? If so, how significant has this been to you?
  • How do you feel to know that Jesus sees and cares for individuals – that you are not just ‘one of the crowd’?
  • In what ways do you think the Church tries to ‘contain’ and control Jesus? What could be done to challenge this? 


Jesus, help me to know you more but not to hold on to you too tightly. Thank you that you are always working and your message of good news will not be contained. Amen.

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