Wednesday 30 December 2020

Bible Book:

And you will say in that day: 'Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known his deeds among the nations; proclaim that his name is exalted.' (v. 4)

Isaiah 12:1-8 Wednesday 30 December 2020

Psalm 132


Isaiah of Jerusalem is believed to be responsible for the first 39 chapters of the book of Isaiah. He appears as a highly-placed person, one in a position to meet with King Ahaz and to challenge him (7:3). He was a God-fearing man deeply concerned for the people to whom he belonged at a time of national peril and ready to place himself in the will of God (6:1-8).

The context of the early chapters of Isaiah is the Syro-Ephraimite war, when the southern kingdom of Judah was threatened by attack from a coalition of the northern kingdom of Israel and Assyria (7:1). Isaiah attempts to advise King Ahaz (7:4-17), urging him to put his trust in God – those threatening the kingdom will be laid waste (7:16b). Using the image of a visibly pregnant woman, Isaiah declares that all will be well by the time her child is born (7:14). This image, seen as foretelling the coming of Jesus, has led to the chapters 6-12 of Isaiah being known as the Book of Immanuel.

This short chapter is like a psalm; it is a lyrical song of thanksgiving by one who has been in deep distress, but who has been rescued and strengthened by God and is now singing God’s praise. It comes in two parts, each beginning with the phrase: "You will say in that day"… (v.1 and v.4). It has been suggested that this phrase is like an instruction to a herald – there is a sense here of proclamation, of making known to the world what God has done (v. 4). The note is one of high rejoicing, the euphoria after rescue from a place of danger – the Lord who has appeared angry is the one who has offered salvation, so "shout aloud and sing for joy"!

Points to Ponder:

  • Re-read these verses, maybe several times, and try to feel something of the joy and relief expressed here. Think of a time or times when you have felt like that and give glory to God anew.
  • "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." What does this mean to you?
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