Saturday 08 July 2023

Bible Book:

'There is another who testifies on my behalf, and I know that his testimony to me is true.' (v. 32)

John 5:30-47 Saturday 8 July 2023

Psalm 27


Our final verses from John chapter 5 this week complete the words of Jesus in defence to the question from the Jewish leaders about his authority to teach and perform miracles. Here Jesus used the words of others; their testimony about him. He cites John the Baptist, but also refers to the very idea that the miracles that accompany his teaching testify to the truth of his preaching. Jesus argues that they have the words of validation in the very scriptures they study, words they received from Moses through the Torah.

Testimony is a powerful tool. We often hear about testimony in court cases. Evidence may be presented, but how do we interpret that evidence or determine its accuracy? Often, we hear of forensic evidence that identifies a suspect through unique markers, such as blood or DNA testing. While such evidence can be compelling, it's not always conclusive on its own. Often, circumstantial evidence can be reinforced or rejected through the testimony of witnesses. Can testimony place the suspect at the scene if they were witnessed by others present at the time? Or is there an alibi for a suspect that is now corroborated by a witness's testimony? In other situations, we may be called to give a character reference for an individual, maybe as part of a job application. Can our testimony regarding that individual help the recruiting manager make a good decision? Perhaps our testimony will help them to avoid making the wrong appointment. In both examples, consistent witness testimony of multiple sources serves to validate the picture of an individual.


To Ponder:

  • Have you ever been asked to provide testimony at court or offer a reference for someone? What was the outcome of your report?
  • What do you think were the written words of Moses, that Jesus referred to in verse 46?


We pray that God will continue to use us as witnesses to the power of Christ and the presence of God’s kingdom.

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